Get Watching List

Returns list of your watching issues.







URL parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
userId Number User ID

Query parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
order String Order of the sort “asc” or “desc” default=“desc”
sort String What to sort results by. The value “created”, “updated” or “issueUpdated” are allowed. default=“issueUpdated”
count Number Number of records to retrieve(1-100) default=20
offset Number Where to start returning records from the entire results. default=0
resourceAlreadyRead Boolean Whether the issues already read are retrieved or not. The all watching issues are returned if this parameter is omitted. The read watching issues are returned if true. The unread watching issues are returned if false. default=null
issueId[] Number Issue ID

Response example

Status Line / Response Header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 

Response Body

        "id": 1, 
        "resourceAlreadyRead": true, 
        "note": "This is a note for the watching issue.", 
        "type": "issue", 
        "issue": { 
            "id": 4531, 
            "projectId": 2, 
            "issueKey": "TEST2-17", 
            "keyId": 17, 
            "issueType": { 
                "id": 7, 
                "projectId": 2, 
                "name": "Bug", 
                "color": "#990000", 
                "displayOrder": 0 
            "summary": "aaa", 
            "description": "", 
            "resolution": null, 
            "priority": { 
                "id": 3, 
                "name": "Normal" 
            "status": { 
                "id": 1, 
                "projectId": 2, 
                "name": "Open",
                "color": "#ed8077",
                "displayOrder": 1000 
            "assignee": { 
                "id": 2, 
                "userId": "eguchi",
                "name": "eguchi", 
                "roleType": 2, 
                "lang": null, 
                "nulabAccount": {
                    "nulabId": "tSaVeJfRxLURSAkgfbNAfCbM7PqddYLJ3nG3BELjx6eSTbu8LD",
                    "name": "eguchi",
                    "uniqueId": "eguchi"
                "mailAddress": "eguchi@nulab.example",
                "lastLoginTime": "2022-09-01T06:35:39Z"
            "category": [], 
            "versions": [], 
            "milestone": [], 
            "startDate": "2013-08-29T15:00:00Z", 
            "dueDate": "2013-09-03T15:00:00Z", 
            "estimatedHours": null, 
            "actualHours": null, 
            "parentIssueId": null, 
            "createdUser": { 
                "id": 1, 
                "userId": "admin", 
                "name": "admin", 
                "roleType": 1, 
                "lang": "ja", 
                "nulabAccount": {
                    "nulabId": "Prm9ZD9DQD5snNWcSYSwZiQoA9WFBUEa2ySznrSnSQRhdC2X8G",
                    "name": "admin",
                    "uniqueId": "admin"
                "mailAddress": "eguchi@nulab.example",
                "lastLoginTime": "2022-09-01T06:35:39Z"
            "created": "2013-04-23T07:38:59Z", 
            "updatedUser": { 
                "id": 1, 
                "userId": "admin", 
                "name": "admin", 
                "roleType": 1, 
                "lang": "ja", 
                "nulabAccount": {
                    "nulabId": "Prm9ZD9DQD5snNWcSYSwZiQoA9WFBUEa2ySznrSnSQRhdC2X8G",
                    "name": "admin",
                    "uniqueId": "admin"
                "mailAddress": "eguchi@nulab.example",
                "lastLoginTime": "2022-09-01T06:35:39Z"
            "updated": "2013-09-06T09:25:41Z", 
            "customFields": [], 
            "attachments": [], 
            "sharedFiles": [], 
            "stars": [] 
        "created": "2013-10-31T06:58:59Z", 
        "updated": "2013-10-31T06:58:59Z" 